Cat Training

Cat Training

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While you might not want to train your cat to do tricks, you can definitely get her to do what she wants when you want her to. Cat behaviour is not as mysterious or as unpredictable as you might think, and cats have been poorly served by being compared to dogs — we should really appreciate their direct links with the big cats, particularly tigers, and we know what magical things a trained tiger can do!

Dr Kim Kendall has run her own cattery and grooming service for more than 20 years (that’s 100 cat years!) and has adopted out 5000 cats and kittens. She has also been involved in every aspect of cats in the urban home. While researching feline medical issues, she discovered that many problems were related to environmental stresses as much as to infectious agents, and that many behaviour problems were related to a lack of choice in a cat’s life, so understanding and managing your cat’s behaviour better can result in a much happier relationship for you and your feline friend. It’s for this reason that Dr Kim thinks you should spend time focusing on training your cat.

For those just starting out, here is a simple ideas:
Sit: To train your cat to sit on command, simply wait for your cat to sit. When it does, immediately say “sit” and reward it with treats and/or affection. Of course, if you have a clicker, this can be a better option so the cat knows when it has performed your desired behavior. Repeat this at regular intervals; soon your cat will associate the term “sit” with the action that gets her treats and affection.

For more information on Dr Kim and the Chatswood Cat Palace, visit

The original article was published in PETS #56. Subscribe to the magazine here.


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