Happy Greyhounds

Happy Greyhounds

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This beautiful breed has a bad reputation but a real heart of gold. Carrol Baker learns more about Greyhounds and the people fighting to save them.


If you are looking for a gentle, loving dog that’s low maintenance, big on cuddles and small on exercise needs, look no further than a Greyhound. Yep, you did read that right.

For the uninitiated, the concept of sharing your home with a Greyhound might seem a little at odds with your beliefs about them. They need lots of exercise — right? Isn’t it an aggressive breed? It’s just an outdoors dog for racing, isn’t it? You might be surprised to learn that the answer to all those questions is a resounding no. Greyhounds can make wonderful pets; they have a sweet disposition and are very loving.



A gentle breed
Lisa White, founder of Queensland-based Greyhound rescue group Friends of the Hound, says Greyhounds are an easy-going companion pet that will fit into most families with ease. “They are so adaptable. They are sensitive, soulful dogs,” she says. “I have had so many people come back to me after taking home a rescue Greyhound and say, ‘Lisa, this dog has changed my life.’ They can also be quite quirky; they have different personalities — they can be goof balls and at other times very chilled out.” People who are fortunate enough to share their home with one of these gentle giants of the canine world say one of the best things about them is that there is more of them to love! But that doesn’t mean they are hard work to look after. Their short coat just needs a brush to keep it in check every now and then.


Did you want more information on Greyhounds? You should have read PETS issue 58! Subscribe to our magazine here so you don’t miss out on any paw-some stories.

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