5 things Your Guinea Pig Wants You To Know

5 things Your Guinea Pig Wants You To Know

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In honour of our small animal special, our good friends at Oxbow Australia put together this checklist of five things your guinea pig wants you to know.

So? Do you know all these cool cavy facts?

  1. I NEED lots of fresh grass hay! This should make up 75 per cent of my diet.
  2. I’ll live a lot longer if you don’t feed me grains, corn and seeds. My body isn’t designed to digest these.
  3. My cage is my home. Please keep it clean, cool and safe from predators.
  4. I must have Vitamin C every day in my food to stop me from getting sick with Scurvy.
  5. As a social creature, I’m lonely if I don’t have a same sex or de-sexed friend.

For more great nutrition advice, visit oxbowaustralia.com.


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