Welcoming New Pets

Welcoming New Pets

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It’s breeding season, which means many cats out there are welcoming new litters into the world, and many humans are welcoming new pets into their homes.

Here at PETS, we are firm believers that pets are not for Christmas. Pets are life-long presents that should be considered by the owner, and so don’t make good options for those searching for an impromptu gift.

If you are welcoming a new dog or cat into your home this summer season, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  1. Spend some quality time with your pet in its new environment. This will help your pet settle in. Make sure you don’t smother it with attention, but be there for it when it’s finally ready to brave the world and explore.
  2. Lay down the rules early. If you want your pet to sleep on its bed, not yours, start this from day one. It might mean a few sad nights early on, but it will set you up for good habits that will last the entire life of your pet. And while a puppy sleeping on the bed may be cute, a 20kg Boxer may not.
  3. Make sure you start training early. Take your dog to socialisation classes as soon as you can so it can become used to other dogs and learn manners early on.

Many people also think that cats can’t be trained, and that they follow the beat of their own drum, subscribing to one set of rules — theirs. Well, it doesn’t have to be so. In the words of Dr Kim Kendall, from Sydney’s Cat Clinic and Café Purrfection, cats can be trained “to do what they want to do when you want them to”.

She explains how to manage a cat so that both you and your pet get the best from the relationship in her new book Cats Revealed: Collection. A fabulous read for new and existing owners alike, this book is all about learning how to do the right thing in managing cat behaviour and happiness from the get-go.

For more information, visit catclinic.com.au

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