Rescue a Moggie

Rescue a Moggie

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“Mognificent” is a great way to describe the cats that are in the majority of our homes. The Moggie — or random-bred, domestic short/long-hair or whatever you call the cat that selected you — is the most interesting breed of cat. Colour and temperament are spread across a huge variety, but early experiences can either strengthen or weaken inherent “purr-sonality”.

The Moggie is very adaptable. Each one is born with all the equipment needed in case it might be a stray, and there are several genetically programmed growth phases — physically and mentally. Most people pick a Moggie based on the colours of a cat they knew previously (an aunt’s or their own), but can be persuaded to take on whichever kitten tries hardest to snuggle them.

Moggies can get much of the full range of problems humans can — cancer, diabetes, arthritis and mental disorders. Yes, they can be anxious and since most cats are pessimists (the number-one reason for cats to hide), the one compounds the other — just like with people. The degree of care required varies from almost none (every cat needs feeding and clean toilets — indoors or out) to a lot, particularly for those cats with long hair with coats that get sticky in summer, or those cats with “fat genes”, which make them chubby on almost no food, or those that have multiple allergies.

The more you read about cats, the more interesting they become. Dr Kim says, “Each cat is representative (of felines) but no cat is average. And this applies especially to Moggies. For more great feline advice, visit

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