Outdoor Cats

Outdoor Cats

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A message brought to you by Dr Kim Kendall from the Chatswood Cat Palace.

You’d have to describe many cats as wild and wonderful, as the hunter does lurk beneath every cat’s gleaming coat. There is a lot of controversy about the damage done to wildlife by cats, but in fact, more damage is done by people, cars and pollution. However, since much of our iconic wildlife is also nocturnal, keeping your cat in at night is the least you can do.

Many cat-patrolled backyards have no birds — not because the cat has killed them, but because the birds are smart enough not to go where there is a predator. Still, it is not recommended to leave your cat outside without a cat run or enclosure in case it does escape your yard and get into trouble, whether with our local wildlife, another feline, or the cat’s bigger wild enemy — the car.

For more expert feline advice, visit catpalace.com.au.

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