Bringing Your Puppy Home

Bringing Your Puppy Home

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A message brought to you by Dr Marie Rowe from love’em.

The day you bring your new puppy home is one that will stay with you a lifetime. It’s a day of joy and happiness as your new furry friend settles into his or her forever home. It’s also the day that the joy of puppy training begins and two of the very first things you should train your pup to recognise are his or her name and to come when called.

Start those early days at home by getting pup’s attention by calling her name (for example, my pup is Lily). As you do so, show her a treat, bend forward slightly and hold out your arms to welcome her, calling “Lily come” as you run back a few steps. She’ll almost certainly come running towards you. Hold the treat right next to your leg so she needs to come right up to you. As she does, smile, praise enthusiastically with a “Good girl, Lily” and reward her with her treat immediately. As you do so, restrain her by taking hold of the collar from underneath (not over the head) and release after a few seconds.

Keep practicing this from different rooms in the house and, once she comes reliably, progress outside to the yard, the park and the beach. Remember to build up in this way, slowly increasing the distractions, to help her to learn. I developed love’em puppy rewards specifically for training times such as this — they’re delicious, healthy and the perfect size to reward your pup for learning.

I have 100 sample packs to give away, simply email with your name and address.
Marie Rowe

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