Prepare your pets for bushfire season

Prepare your pets for bushfire season

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With the bushfire season ahead of us, the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) is warning it’s time to be aware of the serious impacts of bushfires on Australian wildlife and pets.

Fires don’t just threaten people and their homes, pets, livestock and wildlife are also at risk.

AVA President, Dr Robert Johnson said it’s critical to include pets in your disaster plan.

“With so many Australians living in bushfire zones it’s vital that they’re prepared for an emergency, and that includes pets if you’re lucky enough to be a pet owner. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Start today by making a plan and preparing a disaster kit.”

Here are Dr Robert Johnson’s tips for helping your pet survive a bushfire:

  • Planning is the key and can not only help save human lives but also save pets’ lives.
  • The decision to evacuate or stay at home is always a critical one. Try to confine your pets to the safest enclosed room of the house, such as the bathroom, where they can be quickly collected if you need to leave urgently, and make sure you have their carry cages and leads on hand.
  • Put together an emergency kit for your animals with lots of non-perishable food and water in spill-proof containers.
  • If you become separated from your pet in an emergency evacuation advise local vets, animal welfare shelters and rescue organisations.
  • It’s crucial that your pet is microchipped and registered with the local council to make it easier to be re-united in an emergency
  • While it’s absolutely tragic when wildlife is destroyed or injured in a bushfire it’s important not to put your own life at risk when rescuing an animal. Extra care should be taken with venomous or aggressive animals. If you find injured or orphaned wildlife call your nearest wildlife rescue organisation or local vet.
  • Always ensure there is enough clean water for your pet.

Always contact your local vet for help putting together a disaster kit for your pets so if the time comes your evacuation goes smoothly and safely.

For more information, read the AVA brochures on protecting horses, livestock and pets in natural disasters here:

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