Fun dog facts

Fun dog facts

posted in: Blog, Dogs | 0

We all love dogs, but do you know everything there is to know about them? 

  • Did you know that dogs only sweat through the pads in their paws? This means that you should avoid walking your dog on any particularly warm surface if you want to help keep them cool. Have a yard that heats up a lot in summer? Why not invest in a clamshell-style pool that your dog can chill its feet in?
  • In total there is and estimated 400 million dogs in the world. That’s a lot of dogs!
  • The domestic dog has been one of the most popular working and companion animals throughout human history. Although experts often disagree, there is scientific evidence which shows that the domestication of dogs could have occurred more than 15,000 years ago.
  • The most popular breed of dog in the world is the Labrador. With their gentle nature, obedience, intelligence and near limitless energy, Labradors make excellent family pets and reliable workers. They often assist police and are a common choice as guide dogs.
  • Dog have superior hearing than humans. In fact, dogs are capable of hearing sounds at four times the distance compared to us!
  • Dogs have a remarkable sense of smell, they are capable of differentiating odors in concentrations nearly 100 million times lower than humans can. The jury is out on whether this is a good thing or not…
  • Puppies have 28 teeth and normal adult dogs have 42. That’s 10 more teeth than humans have!
  • Dogs and humans have the same type of slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) and during this REM stage dogs can dream. The twitching and paw movements that occur during their sleep are signs that your pet is dreaming.
  • Dogs’ eyes contain a special membrane, called the tapetum lucidum, which allows them to see in the dark.
  • Did you know that when dogs kick after going to the bathroom, they are using the scent glands on their paws to further mark their territory?

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