Fun Easter activities for cats

Fun Easter activities for cats

posted in: Blog, Cats | 0

We know we can’t feed our cats chocolate bunnies but that doesn’t mean they can’t celebrate Easter with us! Here are some fun activities and ideas to make Easter a purr-fect time with your cat:

  1. Give her something special
    Get your cat something special this Easter. Whether it’s an egg-shaped cat-friendly treat or a brand new toy to play with, your cat will appreciate the gesture nonetheless.
  2. Make your cat an Easter basket
    Easter baskets are a long-standing tradition when it comes to gift giving at Easter. Make your cat her very own special basket, filled with cat-friendly food and treats, toys and anything else you can think of that will pamper her.
  3. Take your cat on a play date
    Does your cat have any furry friends? Maybe your friends have cats who are also in need of new friends? Organise a special play date for your feline to enjoy over the weekend.
  4. Give back to rescue groups
    Why not make Easter a happy time for other cats in the country by giving a little something extra to cat rescue groups and animal shelters. You don’t have to give money, you can donate food, cat toys, beds and even your own time to help out volunteers doing what they can to look after the cats in need. Anything you do can help.

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